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Have questions or concerns about GT Equine Therapy? Find answers about GT Equine Training and more on our FAQ page.
How much does it cost?
Graston Equine Training costs $3395. Please call in at 888.926.2727 or 317.926.2996 for student and veteran pricing.
What is the course format?
Multiple teaching methods will be utilized consistent with the various levels of complexity of the learning objectives. These will include explanations, demonstrations, performance, feedback, teaching, supervised open practice, and case troubleshooting. The majority of time is spent in a hands-on, lab setting. Teaching materials include the Equine PowerPoint presentation, and Equine Training Materials.
Graston Technique® Instructors determine by direct observation that all participants have attained an acceptable level of safe and effective techniques during laboratory practice sessions. Graston Technique maintains a low 8 participants: 1 instructor ratio so that all participants receive the feedback necessary to assure their skill acquisition and performance.
Who are the instructors?
The Graston Technique Instructional Team is committed to providing the highest caliber of hands-on training available, based on evidence-based research and industry best practices. We’re extremely proud of the advisors and instructors from multiple disciplines that help us shape the future of Graston Technique therapy.
What if I need to cancel?
Should you need to cancel your registration for any reason, your training fee can be transferred to another date/location of your choosing. Your transfer must be applied within 12 months of cancellation date. You may also apply your training fees towards other Graston Technique products within 12 months of cancellation date. Any training fees not used within 12 months of cancellation date are subject to forfeiture.
GT-LLC reserves the right to alter dates, times, locations, content, and faculty to accommodate unexpected needs.
GT-LLC cannot be responsible for expenses incurred by registrants if the program is cancelled or altered.
How many CEUs will I receive?
Veterinarians and Vet Techs
12 hours (AAVSB)
Doctors of Chiropractic
12 hours (AVCA)
Massage Therapists
12 hours (NCBTMB)
Since many states and provinces have specific filing criteria and deadlines, feel free to EMAIL US or call 888.926.2727 or 317.926.2996, prior to the course for the approval status on Graston Technique therapy continuing education units (CEUs).
Who should take Graston Technique Training?
Participants must possess a well-developed working knowledge of equine anatomy and its major structures. A review of the anatomical structures of the equine spine, and upper and lower extremities is most appropriate prior to attending the course.
Prior experience handling horses (50 hours minimum), and experience with manual therapy and manual soft tissue mobilization techniques is preferred.
Graston Equine Training is multi-disciplinary and is available to Veterinarians, Vet Techs, Doctors of Chiropractic, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists and Assistants, Massage Therapists, and horse owners.
If you’re unsure if you qualify for GT Equine training, give us a call at (317) 524-0021.
How is scar tissue different from other tissue?
When viewed under a microscope, normal tissue can be organized in a couple of different fashions: dense, regular elongated fibers running in the same direction, such as tendons and ligaments; or dense and loose, irregular with fibers running in multiple directions. In either instance, when tissue is damaged, it will often heal in a fibrotic, haphazard manner and may appear radio-dense under diagnostic ultrasound. The tissue may show thickening, irregular organization or less precise margins as compared to non-injured tissues, which results in a restricted range of motion and, very often, pain and functional limitations.
Will my credit card still be charged for the registration fee if the course is marked ‘full or wait list’ on the GT training schedule?
No, your credit card will not be used unless a seat becomes available. We would contact you if a seat opens up. However, we ask for your registration to be completed so we will have all your information, in anticipation of a seat.
What conditions can be treated with the Graston Technique?
GT-trained clinicians use GT instruments to effectively and efficiently address soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions while treating acute and chronic conditions, including:
- Tendinopathies
- Muscular Strains
- Edema
- Decline in Performance
- Resistive Behaviors
- Altered Gait
- Pain / Body soreness
- Scar Tissue / Adhesions (Postsurgical or Traumatic)
- Prehab
- Secondary Soft Tissue Lesions Associated with Other Diagnoses
Graston Technique® can be used to treat any movement system dysfunction that has been determined to have a soft tissue component.
Is Graston Technique something new?
The concept of cross fiber massage is not new. Graston Technique® is grounded in the works of Dr. James Cyriax, a British orthopedic surgeon.
Why is scar tissue a problem?
Scar tissue limits range of motion due its negative impact on sensory motor firing rates and frequencies. Abnormal sensory inputs perpetuate a dysfunctional cycle of nervous system sensitization, pain and dysfunctional movement/motor output. GT offers a positive method of manual therapy that interrupts and breaks this cycle of pain and dysfunctional movement.
How was this course developed?
The Equine Training course was developed by the Graston Technique Equine Therapy Board, an advisory panel of experts with more than 100 years combined experience in the equine therapy and rehabilitation field. This team of key industry leaders collaborated with Graston Technique Instructors to develop a comprehensive, 12-hour curriculum focused on using our patented IASTM tools and treatment protocol to treat common conditions in horses. Learn more about the Graston Technique Equine Therapy Board.
Who is eligible to take this course?
Participants must possess a well-developed working knowledge of equine anatomy and its major structures. A review of the anatomical structures of the equine spine, and upper and lower extremities is most appropriate prior to attending the course.
Prior experience handling horses (50 hours minimum), and experience with manual therapy and manual soft tissue mobilization techniques is preferred.
Graston Equine Training is multi-disciplinary and is available to Veterinarians, Vet Techs, Doctors of Chiropractic, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists and Assistants, Massage Therapists, and horse owners.
If you’re unsure if you qualify for GT Equine training, give us a call at (317) 524-0021.
What will I learn?
The Graston Technique Equine Training course will teach you to apply our patented instruments to the full spectrum of equine musculoskeletal treatment approaches. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to treat injuries and common conditions, and develop confidence applying Graston Technique treatments to the major regions of soft tissue in horses.
Learn to treat many issues common to horses including muscular hypertonicity, damaged tendons and ligaments, lameness, resistive behaviors, tendinopathies, edema, scar tissue, adhesions, and general pain and body soreness.
As a horse is treated with Graston Technique, they will display performance improvements in asymmetrical gait, bucking or rearing, refusing fences, and resistance to contact.
Labs will include specific instruction around scanning for injuries and treatments to the shoulder and chest, back and thorax, hindquarters, lower limbs, and head and neck.
What if I have to cancel my training reservation?
Should you need to cancel your registration for any reason, your training fee can be transferred to another date/location of your choosing. Your transfer must be applied within 12 months of cancellation date. You may also apply your training fees towards other Graston Technique products within 12 months of cancellation date. Any training fees not used within 12 months of cancellation date are subject to forfeiture.
What is the cost of the training?
Graston Equine training costs $3,395. This price includes training, training materials, instruments and a foam carry case.
What is Graston Technique?
Graston Technique (GT) is a unique, evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively and efficiently address soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions resulting in improved patient outcomes.GT uses specially designed stainless steel instruments with unique treatment edges and angles to deliver an effective means of manual therapy. The use of GT instruments, when combined with appropriate therapeutic exercise, leads to the restoration of pain-free movement and function. The instruments also are used diagnostically to assess the kinetic chain, in an efficient manner using the principles of regional interdependence.
Is Graston Technique an Evidenced-Based Form of Manual Therapy?
Empirical and anecdotal evidence exists for the following physiological effects of GT:
- Separates and breaks down collagen cross-links, and splays and stretches connective tissue and muscle fibers
- Facilitates reflex changes in the chronic muscle holding pattern (inhibition of abnormal tone/guarding leading to pain reduction via improved sensory input)
- Alters/inhibits spinal reflex activity (facilitated segment)
- Increases the rate and amount of blood flow to and from the area (angiogenesis vs. immediate local increases in blood flow)
- Increases cellular activity in the region, including fibroblasts and mast cells
- Increases histamine response secondary to mast cell activity
What kind of results does Graston Technique produce?
Historically, the Graston Technique has had positive outcomes in 75-90 percent of all conditions treated. It is equally effective in restoring function to acute and chronic injuries, pre- and post-surgical patients and maintaining optimal range of motion.
Do you have payment plans available?
Yes! You have the option at checkout to set up a payment plan through Splitit or you can call us at 888-926-2727 to setup your no-interest, deferred payment plan.
Note: billing starts at the time of purchase.
Do you offer a military discount?
Yes, Graston Technique, LLC is proud to offer military personnel a 20% discount off both training and instrument purchase.